
Mybastic Overview

Continuing our series of informative articles on information technology for our readers, today NAL SE Duy Truong presents an overview article on MyBatis: What is Mybastic?, Mybastic Features, Mybatis Benefits and Performance.

Mybatis config instructions

Following the article Mybatis Overview, today, SE Tran Duy Truong of NAL is going to help readers to have a better understanding of how Mybatis works by showing how to configure Mybatis.

Efficient memory usage with Memory Pool

he balance between speed and memory usage is continually a headache for programmers. When facing this problem, programmers must consider whether to prioritize speed or memory. Memory is always one of the top concerns in applications that run for long periods. During the application lifecycle, objects are continually being created and destroyed, thus defragging the memory. If memory management is not good, it will waste resources, leading to the system quickly running out of memory. In case programming for resource-limited devices, both are important. Finding the right balance between performance and memory usage is not always easy.
Shiny Happy New Year 2020 card with gold fireworks. Vector background.


お客様各位 平素より、大変お世話になっております。 弊社の2020年度の旧正月休暇につきまして、下記のとおりご案内いたします。 ■休暇期間 2020年01月23日(木) から2020年01月29日(水) ■通常業務開始日 […]